The distance is greeting us every now and then and we have to deal with that.?Every time we?re together we enjoy our days to the top and at the same time we have hard times apart and however together. A distance relationship means taking up challenges and appreciating each other!?Life means taking up challenges and […]
The distance is greeting us every now and then and we have to deal with that.?Every time we?re together we enjoy our days to the top and at the same time we have hard times apart and however together.
A distance relationship means taking up challenges and appreciating each other!?Life means taking up challenges and appreciating every moment!?
Finally the day to see each other again came, but the day to say goodbye is even just around the corner!
It always takes time to get used to each other again after a month apart. The yearning was big and the time together runs faster than everything else. We enjoy every little moment with each other to the top and as closer the day to say goodbye comes as more we try to stop the time ? unsuccessfully.?Saying goodbye isn?t an easy act for nobody. In life there are plenty of moments humans have to deal with farewells: saying bye to friends, saying bye to your families home, saying bye to everybody when you travel, saying bye to places and countries, saying bye to deceased, saying bye to material things and more.
While traveling you will experience farewell many many times and you will see it?s not gonna be easier but you will find your own way to deal with it.
A goodbye doesn?t have to be forever! Keep that in mind.
In our distance relationship we have to handle farewell every now and then. Every time the day is here again it?s hard to say goodbye but the thought on seeing each other again in several weeks alleviate the farewell.
Love is ? saying goodbye!
After the farewell phenomenon?s of lovesickness appear: The first few days we feel so fucking alone and we wish that the distance will end soon. Lovesickness a phenomenon which is well-known by many people out there in the world. There?s no recipe that helps to alleviate the pain.?Even we are lovesick although we?re not separated. There are many reasons to be lovesick,?in our case we are separated because of the distance!
The feeling of lovesickness turns into loneliness?
Love is ? dealing with lovesickness.
Loneliness although you?re not alone
Loneliness is a killing feeling:?There are those relaxing days when you just hang out, you eat, drink and watch movies. Then that feeling of being alone is overcoming you and you wished you could share those moments with your love. The same happens on days when you have experienced many incredible things and you can?t express your feelings in words. Sadly you experienced it alone?
Loneliness is a feeling everybody has to deal with. We are born alone on earth (except twins), we grew up alone and in life there are several moments you just feel so fucking alone. The important thing is to know how to be alone, to know how to entertain yourself, to know how to enjoy being alone with yourself and your spirit, to know how to be happy alone, to know that being alone isn?t that awful!?If you know how to enjoy loneliness you will appreciate when you?re with someone. The same the other way around: If you know how to be with someone you will enjoy being alone now and then.
After the goodbye and the lovesickness we get back to our routine ? being alone. Sometimes it takes longer to get back sometimes we?re so busy so that we can?t pay attention to the loneliness. But one important thing to alleviate the loneliness is keeping in tough?
Love is ? enjoying loneliness.
Addicted to the internet
There?s no day we haven?t texted, talked or facetimed! Yes we are completely addicted to the internet to keep in touch: getting up and saying good morning, taking pictures of our food to share it, being bored and texting to get entertained, having problems and asking for help and more.
Our phone is our connection, our helper to keep being up to date!
Fortunately we are born in that decade and we can enjoy all the technology that makes a relationship in distance easier. In that case our family and friends have to accept that we are addicted to each other and in distance to our connector, the internet!
Love is ? appreciating technology.
Do you know that feeling when it?s your birthday and the only person you want to congratulate you first is the one you love?
This year we made it possible to celebrate Gonzalo?s Birthday together in Germany. Our first birthday we were locally together! We made that day as special as possible (cake, surprising Lasertag Game, Christmas market, sitting together with friends).
Almost two weeks later it was the birthday of Jess. In our relationship we have to pay prices, so we did this time.

Happy Birthday Jess
We decided to be together on Gonzalo?s birthday and be in distance on Jess? Birthday.?Fortunately our addiction to the internet made it possible to celebrate together although we?re apart.
Love is ? being together although we?re apart.
In four days we celebrate Christmas: Gonzalo will sit in Spain and Jess in Germany: Christmas is the day of being with family, the day of happiness, of peace (although every day should be full of peace), of good food, of Christmas trees, of lights and more. We will celebrate this Christmas with our families but still one member is missing?
We don?t count the days until the 24th of December. We count the days until we see each other again!
It?s not important with who you are at one place, it?s important who you carry with in your heart!
Love is ? keeping each other alive in the heart.
The distance is Gonzalo?s and Jess? biggest enemy. Either it?s a relationship in distance, family in distance, friends in distance or even desires in distances, don?t wait for a special day to tell somebody what you think and love. Make every day to your special day and don?t wait for anything! Go out with an open mind and discover the world, the countries, the cultures, the people and yourself.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays for everybody in the world!
Our biggest wish:
Love is peace!
Spread the word!
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This is making me sad. I know that it’s hard to be seperated from your loved one for a couple of months. But I cannot imagine how having a long distance relationship feels. I find it very inspiring, that you two are so positive and happy!
I love the fact that you share your stories, not only with us on the internet, but also with each other. Your bonding through distance and appreciate each other every single moment.
I wish you the best and I hope that you will share plenty more experiences with one another. Stay happy and remember: not even sky is the limit for love! 😀
Aaaaaaaaawwwwwww, This comment made us feel so happy! thank you so much for all the positive vibes! Thanks for leaving your opinion here, comments like this one makes us keep working on this! Thanks so much
Keep going, your blog is very interesting. Greetings from Florida 😀